The school

Illustration of Viola with fellow students, parents and teacher

Borgaskóli in Grafarvogur started its operation on August 1, 2020. The school is located at Vættaborgir, and next to it is the Hulduheimar preschool. Borgaskóli is built on the strong foundation of Kelduskóli and Vættaskóli, which closed in 2020. The school is for students in grades 1 to 7, and Víkurskóli receives students in grades 8 to 10. The projected number of students is about 250. The school employs over 40 staff.

Borgaskóli applies the methods of formative learning, where students are active participants in their learning, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is woven into the school operation. Strong emphasis is placed on environmental education, and Borgaskóli is a Green Flag School (Grænfánaskóli). The school also has an active technology center where information technology and innovation are prioritized. Borgaskóli is a Rainbow Certified workplace.

The Hvergiland after-school program for students in grades 1-4 is housed in a part of the school building, as well as the Vígyn youth center which is for students in grades 5-7.

School activities

Operational plan and other practical information

What's ahead for Borgaskóli? You can find several items in the operational plan, including the school's policy for the previous year, teaching planning, and much more. Other reports on school planning and policies are available here.

School curriculum

Want to know more about Borgaskóli's philosophy and daily operations? In the school curriculum, you'll find detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to learning and work.

School rules

Text will be here


Areta Laktutijevska School aide
Aron Valur Þorsteinsson Physical education teacher
Árný Elsa Lemacks Homeroom teacher
Áshildur Sveinsdóttir Teacher
Barbara Dröfn Fischer  
Björg Hrund Sigurbjörnsdóttir Homeroom teacher
Bryndís Rut Óskarsdóttir School social worker
Brynja Sigurðardóttir Homeroom teacher
Daði Garðarsson Instructor
Daníel Smári Sigurðsson Learning support assistant
Elfar Eiðsson Facilities manager
Ester Helga Líneyjardóttir Principal
Fanney Björg Rúnarsdóttir Instructor
Fanný Friðriksdóttir Learning support assistant
Griselia Gíslason School aide
Guðfinna Björk Sigvaldadóttir Special education teacher
Guðmundur Stefánsson Homeroom teacher
Gyða Gunnarsdóttir Teacher
Haukur Örn Davíðsson Homeroom teacher
Hrefna Björk Arnardóttir Homeroom teacher
Hrönn Harðardóttir Homeroom teacher
Iðunn Harpa Gylfadóttir Learning support assistant
Ingunn Huld Sævarsdóttir Homeroom teacher
Ingunn M. Óskarsdóttir Homeroom teacher
Kristbjörg Lilja Jóhannesdóttir Secretary
Linda Björk Gunnarsdóttir Homeroom teacher
Lísa María Friðriksdóttir Nurse
María Haraldsdóttir Special education teacher
Natalía Nótt Adamsdóttir Learning support assistant
Pálína Þorsteinsdóttir Special education teacher
Ragna Sverrisdóttir Teacher
Ragnhildur Tinna Jakobsdóttir Instructor
Signý Traustadóttir Design and carpentry teacher
Sigurður Gunnar Sævarsson Physical education teacher
Solveig Thoroddsen Homeroom teacher
Sóldís Sara Pétursdóttir Instructor
Svanur Bjarki Úlfarsson Music teacher
Thi Hong Pham School aide
Thu Thi Nguyen School aide
Tich Thi Bui School aide
Tímea Soós Behavior analyst
Unnur Jónsdóttir IT teacher
Vilhelmína Óskarsdóttir School aide
Vilma B Ágústsdóttir Visual arts teacher
Þuríður Ágústsdóttir Assistant principal

Primary school meals

School meals are free for the 2024-2025 school year. However, the school still needs to track information about allergies and intolerances and limit food waste. Students must register for the school lunch program as before.


Parents/guardians register for the school lunch program in the Skólamatur system and select which weekdays their children will eat. Students should choose the same weekdays each week, such as every Tuesday and/or every Thursday. More information is on the Skólamatur website.

Illustration of Fjóla eating at school

Parent cooperation

We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child. Reykjavík City schools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in school activities. All schools in Reykjavík City have an active parent association.

School council

Primary schools must have an active school council that serves as a forum for consultation between the principal and the school community on the school operation. The main role of the school council is to be a forum for all representatives of the school community to consult on school matters.

Evaluation of school activities

The goal of evaluating and monitoring the quality of work is to provide information about school activities, their results and development.

School districts

There are several school districts in Reykjavík and each child has priority in their district school. Nevertheless, all parents have the choice to apply to any school in the city for their children according to the rules on school districts, applications, and admission. Borgaskóli is the district school for residents of the following streets: Álfaborgir, Breiðavík, Dísaborgir, Dofraborgir, Dvergaborgir, Gautavík, Goðaborgir, Hamravík, Hulduborgir, Jötnaborgir, Ljósavík, Móavegur, Tröllaborgir, Vættaborgir, and Æsuborgir.